As the days pass, each seems to be packed full of surprises and responsibilities. I almost feel what they call "survivors guilt". I seem to be living more and more days like it never happened. Yes I still have short hair, havent lost the steroid weight, and my energy levels arent back to 100% yet... but ultimately its been nice to not let my mind wander, or wonder. Not everyone went through the process as easily as I did. So many others dealt with so much worse, and my heart goes out to them.
I had my first follow up with the ONC this week, and I love the fact that she doesnt want to use the PET scan as a diagnostic tool. A virus, an infection can set off all kinds of hot spots on those scans that would creat a whirlwind of painful tests, and un-necessary freaking out. A physical exam found no swollen lymph nodes. Now a CT is being scheduled in November to check out the ol' chest/heart area which is where the major tumor resided. (PAST TENSE) This means, NO SCANXIETY until after the wedding!
Cody and I have picked up where things left off in September 09 and are loving every minute of it.
(pictures to come - once I figure out blogspots issues)
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
7 years ago