Monday, February 1, 2010

How about a High Five instead.

There is nothing that sends my nerves into panic mode more than hearing someone is sick.  Definitely sucks having to explain why I cant hug you.  Most people dont listen, and hug anyway.  I feel its rude to shun someone when they're going in for the hug.  Thats the risk I take.  Either make them feel like a moron for trying, ask for a high five instead, or give them a shitty (mini) hug and risk catching what they didnt wash off their hands four hours ago.

I've had to lysol doorknobs, remote controls, the tops of soap dispensers... you name it, i've disinfected it every few days for the last 6 months.  That being said, I cant expect everyone else to do the same.  The paranoia that comes with having no immune system definitely sets in when in public, or anywhere but home....  and you all wonder why I stay hidden under my rock?  The germs might as well be neon orange, thats how well I can spot an unclean surface.  Public bathrooms are the worst, as i'm sure all the ladies have experience with "hovering" or the "kick flush". 

At any rate, I have quite a viral bullet to dodge.  Its nobodys fault, but it just plain sucks to even have to worry about it.

Thought i've been slacking on pics.  So here is Roxy alien eyes, and Cody Christmas beard.

1 comment:

  1. Having no immune system is no fun at all. I always carried sanitizer bottles with me and kept them in my parent's and girlfriend's car. Every time I so much as touched my hat I pulled out the sanitizer. It's too bad but in order to get better you're immune system needs to be kicked in the ass and then picked back up again. Repeat a few times. I noticed in your previous post you had a picture of Dexter (Michael C. Hall). Do you watch the show? Did you know he was diagnosed with cancer?
