Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cigarette FREE

Never thought i'd have the will power to do it.
But my cravings are becoming less and less frequent, and not as miserable!

I didnt want cancer to be the reason I quit.  But its definitely a good reason, as I could have caved already.  I'm excited to have my apartment smoke free.  No cigarettes or ashtrays around, no temptation.  I feel empowered.  I've accomplished something i've been wanting to do for years now.  Never thought high school, peer pressure, alcohol, drugs would lead to a 5 year battle of quitting these nasty habits.

Been 4 days now.  Not one cigarette!

Happy as can be.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you katie. Everything happens for a reason, i guess just wait and see what comes out of this adventure eh? wishing you the best.

